Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Things You Should Definitely Keep In Mind When Designing Your Next Label Sticker

1) Sticker labels promote, not just display
Labels are first of all tools for promotion, whether it is for your brand or for a product that you sell. You label should be a sort of identification for your business that helps customers remind about your business whenever they see your label.
2) Sticker labels should be appealing
A label also helps you to make your product more appealing to customers, and entice them into preferring it over its competition. This can be done when you use a label maker to design a label sticker that would be appreciated by your customers, and is in sync with their tastes.

3) See what your sticker labels are made of
Your label should be created using materials that go well with the purpose that the labels are intended to serve. If your labels are meant to be used in tough conditions, then use materials that can withstand extreme temperature ranges, moisture, and rough handling.
4) Customize your sticker labels
Sticker customization is an important part of designing sticker labels using a label maker, or when ordering them from a professional label printing company. You should decide what patterns, logos, colors, etc should go on your label design.
5) Quality matters the most
Professionally printed stickers look better, and are your best option when these are used for branding purposes. The quality of print and the finish on them is a level above than what you can achieve by printing them with an ordinary label maker.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Special Types of Label Stickers That You Should Know About

Innovation has lead to the use of various types of special label stickers that we find on all kinds of products these days. Using a label maker, some special sticker tags can be created for a unique and appealing look.
Sniff Tags
Sniff Tags are used on fragrances and perfumes and when scratched release a pleasant odor that a buyer can smell before deciding whether to buy that particular product or not. These sniff tags are made by label sticker maker companies by infusing scent with the ink used for printing the tags.
Bar Codes Tags
Bar code labels are seen on almost all products that are sold in the market these days. The bar code on a products helps in identification of its type and its price and can be read easily with the help of an electronic bar code scanner, used a lot of retail stores. The information in these bar codes is stored in the form of the black vertical lines, which are called the bar codes.
Resin Coated Tags
Resin coated tags, also called, domed tags, are custom label stickers that give products an extra bit of attraction so that they appeal to consumers. In such labels, resin is applied to the tag which gives it a kind of dome effect and makes it look different from other ordinary tags.
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How You Can Use Sticker Label Printing To Your Advantage in Business and At Home

At a time when the market is competitive and uncertain, there is more intensity and focus in the ways how businesses handle their marketing and advertising campaigns. Businesses seek to retain their firm grip on their market share and in the minds of their customers by aggressively marketing each and every product they sell or introduce. Labels are a big part of any advertising done for a product, as the label is what helps people identify a brand, and it is the label that distinguishes one brand from another. Because of this reason, label sticker printing is also seen as a vital part of product advertising. Read more…

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Commonly Used Types of Labels You Can Make Using A Sticker Maker

Sticker Maker can be made in many forms differing in the material they are printed on and on the type of adhesive being applied on them. Using a sticker maker, there is no end to the amount of creativity that can be done and the things that can be accomplished. Here are some commonly types of labels you can print at home:
Paper Based Stickers
You can use recycled paper as the stock or the base material for your sticker. Just make sure that the paper is of sufficient thickness and has a smooth surface or else the finish won’t be as good.
Plastic Based Stickers
Plastic is also used as base material for stickers as they are durable. Plastic vinyl stickers are an example where plastic is used.
Other materials that can be used as base are litho and latex. Latex is suitable for curved surfaces. Foil is another material that can be used on shiny surfaces and for curved surfaces as well.
Removable and Non-Removal Stickers

Removal stickers are the ones which have a semi-permanent adhesive so that the stickers can be removed from one place and stuck someplace else quite easily. Non-removal stickers have a permanent adhesive so that they remain in their position for a long time.

What Are The Benefits Of Digital Label Printing Over Traditional Printing?

The process of label printing using digital technology has many advantages over traditional methods. Digital printing produces great quality results at lower costs, plus plenty of other benefits as well.
Label printing is has transformed in many ways over the last few decades with the progress made by technology. Methods used for label printing 20 or 25 years back have been replaced by newer methods that produce better quality labels and at a faster rate. Digital label printing is one such method that has proved to be a very convenient and cheap method as compared to traditional label printing methods.

Digital printing reduces many of the steps involved in traditional printing and makes the overall process a lot simpler. Digital printing provides faster end products, does not require dies or printing plates, high quality finishes and more importantly, more flexibility in the type of design and color combination of the print. Read more

Monday, 2 February 2015

Understanding the importance of labels

Labels is very important parts of products. It is the only medium through which the specifications of the products are conveyed and describes. It  demonstrates all the information about the products such as manufacturer details,  product name,  distributor  details, chemical composition, ingredient lists,  expiry date,  hardware specifications, nutrition charts and various other  details, depending on  the type  of the products.  Without  labels, it  is very tough to identify  the  products.

Labels are not only information carriers, but also an effective means of advertising as well.  An effective and quality label with colorful pictures and catchy tag-lines not only grabs  the viewers’ attention, but also improve the look and  beauty of the products. This is why most of the manufacturers hire label printing companies to design and print the labels of their products.  These companies are not only responsible for  designing unique and attractive labels, but  also designs labels in the way that falls with the labeling laws.  The professionals give meticulous attention  to ensure  that the labels contain all the information as per  the government rules and regulations. Read more